StudioC Astro Imaging

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Welcome to
StudioC Astro Imaging


I am glad you stopped by. Please take a few minutes to look around. These pages are designed to entertain and enlighten.

My "Gallery" page contains some of the images I have captured with my telescope and CCD imager. I am still learning the techniques required for this art form but I do think I have managed to create some nice images.

The "Astronomy News" page is provided by the "Universe Today". The "Universe Today" site is all about the science of Astronomy and has some great articles on the exploration of our universe.

There are already many great sites with information detailing the processes used for amateur astronomy and astro imaging. Because that information is already available I am not going to try to provide any in-depth information here. What I will do is give you a brief explanation of some key terms and concepts. I have also provided a page of links to various sites that give more detailed information. The "Astro Links" page has links to sites offering hardware, tutorials, software and just about anything else related to astronomy and imaging.

The "Equipment" page gives an overview of my set-up for my astronomical imaging. There are also a few hyperlinks to help with some of the terminology.

The "RobServatory" page details the setup of my new observatory. Jokingly called my "RobServatory" (do I really have to explain the name?). This is the newest addition to the information on this site.

I have recently rewritten all of the html code on my site to correct for some inconsistencies between the pages. While most of the content and layout are the same, I am hoping this rewrite will provide a more pleasing experience for my guests.

Please note my web site is no longer actively being updated.

Clear skies,
Rob Cook

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Home Gallery RobServatory Equipment Astro Links Astronomy News Legal Stuff